Trust Data Solutions Data Center hosting services are certified reliable and secure, having received Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70) Type II Certification.
Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the SAS 70 guidelines audit a service organization’s control objectives, safeguards, and activities. The SAS 70 Type II report presents the results of extensive testing that determines how effectively the organization’s controls meet its control objectives. The review and report includes a full assessment of:
- Oversight by Executive Management
- Operations and Customer Service
- Development and Information Technology Organization
- Human Resources Policies and Procedures
- Risk Assessment Monitoring
Such a review is important for service organizations that provide services that are critical to its customers’ operations—the SAS 70 Type II Certification provides third-party verification that, in turn, the organization’s customers can supply for audits of their own operations (the audit meets Sarbanes-Oxley requirements).
The review was conducted by an independent auditing agency and included extensive testing performed over a six-mont
h period and involved all existing data center facilities.
For more information, please see our SAS 70 FAQs. If you have further questions or need additional information, please contact support@trustds.com.